I am a teacher, critic and curator based in Tallinn currently working as a lecturer in the departments of Interior Architecture and General Theory Classes at the Estonian Academy of Arts.

I studied semiotics at Tartu University (BA in 2009) and art history in the Estonian Academy of Arts (MA in 2012; exchange studies in St Petersburg's Institute of Technology of Design in 2011) where I defended my master thesis on public monuments in Tallinn's Freedom Square. I was a PhD student in Lisbon Consortium between 2016–2020 and defend my thesis on late Soviet monumental-decorative art in the doctoral school of the Estonian Academy of Arts.

Since 2010 I have been active as a critic writing on visual art and architecture. In 2012 I co-authored a book on Estonian murals published by Lugemik. In 2016 Estonian National Museum published my book on the architecture of the museum's new building by DGT / Architects. Currently I am finishing my first novel, a story about a retired professor of architecture of the digital minds.

I worked as a gallerist of the Estonian Academy of Arts (2012–2014) during which I curated Lost in Space: Art Academies' Galleries in Vita Havet gallery, Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm. Between 2014–2016 I was the director and curator of Kondas Centre of Outsider Art in Viljandi, the foremost institution dealing with peripheral forms of art in the Baltic states. I have been teaching in various secondary and higher education institutions in Estonia and presented conference papers in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Portugal.

My main academic research topic is art in public space. Besides monuments and murals of the Soviet era I am interested in contemporary public art commissions.

+372 55690456 (Estonia)