Writing, curating and teaching on art and architecture

Estonian Culture at Crossroads 2021/2022 spring semester

Culture class for EKA's foreign students. 

This time the schedule went like:

1. Introductory seminar. 10 March 2022
2. Visiting Tallinn Art Hall Gallery. 17 March 2022
3. Individual work on group presentations. No meeting 24 March 2022
4. Visiting Estonian Museum of Architecture 31 March 2022
5. Screening of Hukkunud Alpinisti Hotell. [Dead Mountaineer’s Hotel] 8 April 2022 
6. Seminar / discussion of Hukkunud Alpinisti Hotell. Students are also welcome to discuss the (https://content.cosmos.art/media/pages/library/the-dead- mountaineer-s-end/3500774475-1601363881/arkady-strugatsky-the-dead- mountaineers-inn.pdf)
progress of their group work. 14 April 2022
7. Visiting Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design. 21 April 2022
8. Visiting Vabamu Museum of Occupations and Freedom. 28 April 2022
9. Discussing Truth and Justice by Anton Hansen Tammsaare. 5 May 2022 http://dspace.ut.ee/bitstream/handle/10062/44047/TruthandJustice_final.pdf
10. Presentation of group work / Concluding remarks. 12 May 2022

Monumentidest Nõmme Rotary klubis
Exhibition Analysis 2021/2022 spring semester

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