Fourth International Forum for Doctoral Candidates in Art History of Eastern Europe
The Berlin „International Forum for Doctoral Candidates in East European Art History“ brings together similarly minded PhD students from all over the world. In 2017 I joined the forum as one of the several dozen colleagues who were given 3 minutes to pitch their PhD topic.
Official statement of the Forum: Previous editions of the forum have shown us that young scholars from all over the world working in this field have a strong need for a direct, lively exchange of specific conceptual issues and methodological problems of art historical “area studies” of Eastern Europe across the different epochs. With the forum we have initiated a platform open for these purposes. The annual meetings are intended to offer the opportunity and space for a continuous exchange of ideas and experiences, for making contacts and bringing together expertise. Current research projects – and as well their progress and modifications over the years – are documented on the forum’s website ( In this way and with a Facebook group ( ) it is possible to build networks besides the annual forums.
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